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Presentation of the ARRM software interface

We will detail here the 7 panels that make up the ARRM interface

Software configuration (1)

Please refer to the previous chapter which details all tabs of the ARRM configuration panel.

System selection (2)

  • Roms Folder : Enter here the path to the ROM directories (network or local). Example:
    • \\recalbox\share\roms (if you access Recalbox via your network)
    • E:\recalbox\share\roms (if you access the memory card / disk of your recalbox connected to your PC
  • Directory of overlays (textbox): Specify here the path to the root directory that will contain the overlays. :

For Batocera, Recalbox and Retropie you can also specify another temporary directory that will receive the overlays generated, but in this case you will need to copy / paste this content on your Box.

  • With Recalbox the generated directories will be ' overlays ' and ' system ' to be copied in '\\recalbox\share '
  • With Batocera the generated directory will be ' decorations ' to copy in ' \\batocera\share '
  • With Retropie the generated directory will be ' configs ' to copy in '/opt/retropie ' on your Retropie

Remember to click on the 'V' buttons to validate the directories. The icons open the directory in your file explorer.

  • Display / Screenscraper : If you select only one system, the 'Display' button appears. If multiple systems are selected, the 'Screenscraper' button appears.
    • Display: By clicking this button, ARRM will load the file Gamelist.xml in the database or create it and check the consistency with the Roms in the directory. If Roms are not present in the Gamelist.xml they will be added to the Database. Conversely, if there are no Roms present in the gamelist.xml in the directory, they will not be taken into account in the Database. During this phase, ARRM verifies the existence of the image files present in the gamelist.xml and deletes the reference if the image file does not exist in the directory. Once these processes are completed, the database is displayed.
    • Screenscraper (bouton): En cliquant sur ce bouton, ARRM va traiter séquentiellement chacun des systèmes automatiquement. Il effectue le traitement du bouton 'Afficher' ci-dessus puis lance un scrape automatiquement sur Screenscraper (uniquement), sauvegarde la gamelist.xml, puis passe au système suivant.
  • Screenscraper: By clicking this button, ARRM will sequentially process each of the systems automatically. It performs the processing of the 'Display' button above and then scrapes automatically on Screenscraper (only), saves the gamelist.xml, and then moves on to the next system.
  • Template auto association : For bulk scraps on multiple systems, allows to associate a template to a system thanks to the '%appdata%\roaming\Nexouille soft\arrm\database\template_association.txt' file, which you can edit by clicking on the button
  • All : Select all systems.
  • Reset Systems : De-selects all checked systems.
  • Browse directory : Open the selected system folder.
  • System overlay : Overlays recovery of selected systems, and creation of overlays configuration files. They will be stored in the directory mentioned in Directory of overlays . See the paragraph specifically devoted to the recovery of overlays games and systems. The icon opens the directory where overlays model files are stored.
  • Overlay : How to : Take you to the wiki page dealing with overlays.
  • Extensions : displays the list of extensions recognized for this system. Only the files containing these extensions will be displayed in the database. This list is powered by the file % appdata%\roaming\Nexouille soft\arrm\database\systems_extensions.txt which contains the extensions recognized by Recalbox, Batocera AND Retrope. If you want to remove/add extensions, please refer to the files '_lisezmoi.txt/_readme.txt' for Recalbox and '_infos.txt' for Batocera present in each system directory that contains the list of recognized extensions. You can edit this file via the configuration panel, 'General Options' tab, 'Edit Extensions' button. You have to restart ARRM to take effect.


The Database (list of Roms) (3)

This window that I call the Database contains the information that will be written in the gamelist.xml during its backup / creation. Some fields are editable, but it is better to go through the 'Information Rom' panel that applies input controls.

This database is filled when selecting a system. It will contain the info of the gamelist.xml (if it exists) and the files present in the current system directory (if they did not exist in the existing gamelist.xml)

By tapping on a letter on the Database (if sorted in alphabetical order), the index (highlight) will be positioned on the first found game name beginning with that letter.

On this Database we will be able to apply

  • Filters
  • Actions, triggered by various buttons of the panel 'Possible actions on selected Roms' (4)

Filters :

  • Without picture (button): Filters the Database to display only the Roms with the empty Picture Tag
  • Without description (button): Filters the Database to display only the Roms with the empty description tag
  • Without video (button): Filters the Database to display only the roms with the empty video tag
  • Favorites List (button): Filters the Database to display only the Roms with the Tag Favorites checked
  • Hidden List (button): Filters the Database to show only Roms with hidden Tag checked
  • Select all (button): Selects all the Roms in the Database
  • Select none (button): Do not select any of the Rom from the Database
  • No filter (button): Disables all filters applied to the Database
  • Show hidden (button): If checked, also show Roms with hidden tag checked. Filter is persistent.
  • Genre (Listbox) (button): Allows to filter the Database on a Genre (among those found in the Roms of the selected system)
  • Search string in Title, Desc or name Rom (Listbox): Allows to filter the Database on a chain of character. The search is carried out on the fields Title, Desc or Name file Rom
  • Missing Overlays (button) : Selects overlays not found in previous overlays search. Missing overlays are in '_missing_overlays_%SYSTEM%.txt' file located in subdirectory 'logs_arrm' of the selected system
  • Filter duplicated Roms on (button): Allows to search for duplicated Roms according to 3 modes. The searches are done on the names of roms or files expurgated of () and []:
    • Name : Searches for Roms containing in the game name a part of a name of another rom. Example: The following game names appear as duplicate game : 'Asterix', 'Asterix And The Great Rescue' and 'Asterix And The Secret Mission'. Charge to you to make your selection.
    • Exact Name : Searches for Roms containing in the game name the exact name of another rom. Useful if you have clones (different rom file) but whose game name is the same. Apply once the game was scraped because the game names returned will be accurate. Example: the roms 'Speedball (Europe) (Mirrorsoft).zip' and 'Speedball (Europe) (Virgin).zip' will return the same game name (Speedball)
    • File : Searches for the Roms containing in the file name part of the file name of another Rom. Example: 'Back to the Future Part II (Europe).zip' and 'Back to the Future Part III' (Europe).zip

Remember to remove the filter by clicking on 'No filter' after use.

Actions on selected Roms (4)

All the actions associated with the buttons in this menu apply to the selected Roms (highlighted) in the Database

  • Tag as Favorites (button): Places in Favorites the selected Roms
  • Tag as Hidden (button): Hidden the selected Roms
  • Tag as Normal (button): Normalizes the selected Roms (removes the Favorites and Hidden tags)
  • Check name with MD5 (button): Check the correct name of the game on Screenscraper with its MD5
  • Add disk/tape/side (button): If the file name contains the disk number, K7, Face, AGA for amiga or CD32 for amiga; it will be added at the end of the game name, for selected Roms
  • Check Roms (button): Applies checkboxes 'Clean name', 'Add disk', 'Keep Rom name' and 'Add Country' for selected Roms
  • Rom as game name (button): Renames the selected files with the name of the game. The checkboxes 'Clean name', 'Add disk', 'Keep Rom name' and 'Add Country' are also applied. Be careful when renaming .bin/.cue .iso/.cue .bin/.lst files, the contents of the text files (.cue /.lst) are not modified. Remember to modify it to agree with the new filename .bin/.iso.
  • Update Core (button): For Arcade systems (FBA, MAME, Neogeo), assigns the best-suited emulator and core from the BestArcade4Recalbox file.
  • Remove picture (button): Physically erases image files of selected Roms.
  • Check if image exists ? (button): Check if the images shown in the database exist, otherwise delete references to these images in the Database
  • Move to folder (button): Moves the selected Roms to another folder. If the destination folder is outside the parent folder, the ROM will be moved and removed from the current gamelist. If the destination folder is a root folder of a system, the gamelist of the destination folder will be updated.
  • Recompose image (button): Applies the selected template to the selected Roms using the images already retrieved using the database's screenshot, boxart, marquee, cartridge tags. If a tag is missing and the 'ignore local search' option is not enabled, ARRM checks for missing images in the images directory.
  • CRC32 (Netplay) (button): Calculates and stores the CRC32 in the <hash> tag for the selected Roms. Used for Netplay under Recalbox
  • MD5 (button): Calculates the MD5 and stores in the <md5> tag for the selected Roms.
  • Reset Core/Emu (button): Allows you to apply an emulator and a core from a list for the selected Roms.
  • Delete METADATA (button): Removes the METADATA (gamelist info) and retains only the ROM filename and the game name extracted from the Rom file name.
  • (button): Searches the selected Roms info on the site. This site only gives information about the games themselves. The info is quite succinct and it only returns a screenshot.
  • (button): Searches the selected Roms info on the TheGamesDb site. Prioritize the Screenscraper platform which is much more available and complete.
  • Screenscraper (button): Searches the info of the selected Roms on the Screenscraper website. Prioritize this scraper which is complete and fast.
  • (button): For each scraper ( and Screenscraper), allows to associate the system name on your Recalbox/Batocera with its identification on the Scrape website. the files are located in %appdata%\roaming\Nexouille Soft\arrm\database\systemes_screenscraper.txt and systemes_tgbd.txt. You can add other systems.

Example of the contents of the file ' systemes_screenscraper.txt ':

megadrive | 1
genesis | 1
Mastersystem | 2
nes | 3
family_computer | 3
snes | 4
SFC | 4
cps1 | 6
CPS2 | 7
gba | 12
gamecube | 13
gc | 13
n64 | 14
  • Choose Mix Template (button): Allows you to choose from a list, the Template to apply when 'Mix' was chosen in 'Image Options'
  • Auto template (checkbox): For scrap on a single system, allows to associate a template to a system thanks to the file %appdata%\roaming\Nexouille soft\arrm\database\template_association.txt, which you can edit by clicking the button.

Detail / Modification of a Rom (5)

Please read the section devoted to this subject : Editing game data

The Gamelist (6)

The Status Log (7)

The file 'scrape_log.txt' is positioned in the 'logs_arrm' subdirectory of the selected system.

Title screen

interface-en.1572641236.txt.gz · Dernière modification : 2019/11/01 21:47 de nexusone13