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The Bezel Project is a project that provides .png files of overlays/bezels for certain systems.

The Bezel Project website: GitHub Bezels Project

Since version ARRM 1916 beta 9, it is now possible to

ARRM uses the configuration file %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\ARRM\Database\systemes_bezels_project.txt in order to find the correspondence between your system folders and those of the The Bezel Project site. You can adapt it according to your system names
For Batocera and Retrobat, remember to activate the decoration mybezels16-9 or mybezels4-3

If this method does not give the expected result, you can always scrape the Bezels on Screenscraper, by following the wiki: How to recover system and game overlays

Automatically retrieve bezels from games on The Bezel Project

1 - Choose the frontend you are working with (batocera, recalbox etc…):

2 - It is imperative to choose the Bezels folder in the panel below

It could be :

3 - In the following screen (on the right in the OVERLAYS / BEZELS section) :

4 - Select the roms for which you want to recover the bezels/overlays:

5 - Click on the 'The Bezel Project' button at the bottom of the 'Possible actions on the selected ROMs' panel

ARRM will fetch the bezels corresponding to the rom filename and will create the configuration files according to the frontend used.

Your Rom files must have the same name as the bezel available on The Bezels Project

A directory allowing processing will be created in the Bezels folder with the name bezels_project. You will find folders corresponding to your different systems.

Bezels files retrieved from The Bezel project will be temporarily copied to these folders and deleted when processing is complete.

Create configuration files from existing .png (bezels) files

You already have the bezels files in .png format and want to create the configuration files adapted to your Frontend.

you will need to copy your bezels files in .png format to the desired system folder located in the Bezels Folder.

Example with Retrobat: X:\Retrobat\bezels_project\atari2600

The processing steps remain the same as before.

When you click on the 'The Bezel Project' button at the bottom of the 'Possible actions on the selected Roms' panel, ARRM will check for the presence of a .png file corresponding to the ROM file name.

If the file exists, the processing (moving the .png to the correct directory and creating the configuration files) will be done with this file, otherwise ARRM will attempt to upload to The Bezel Project

When using local .png Bezels files, this files are not deleted when processing is complete.