Table des matières


Cet onglet propose différents outils :

Utilitaires Frontend

Utilitaires de base de données

La Cache Database permet, lors d'un scrape, de mémoriser les informations textuelles et les chemins des media scrapées. Elle est utile, par exemple, pour récupérer ces informations suite à un crash de l'application. Pour plus d'information voir le wiki :

Boutons divers

voir Trier le fichier 'es_systems.cfg'

ARRM utilise le fichier '%appdata%\nexouille soft\database\systems_sorting.txt' que vous pouvez adapter à vos systèmes. Il ressemble à ceci :

# system_id;system_name;system_manufacturer;system_releasedate;system_type;system_custom_sort (table systems_sorting)
# you can adjust more precisely your sort by assigning a different number to system_custom_sort and sorting on this criteria
3ds;Nintendo 3DS;Nintendo;2011;portable;0
amiga;Amiga 500;Commodore;1987;computer;0
amiga500;Amiga 500;Commodore;1987;computer;0
amiga500+;Amiga 500+;Commodore;1991;computer;0
amiga600;Amiga 600;Commodore;1991;computer;0
amiga1000;Amiga 1000;Commodore;1985;computer;0
amiga1200;Amiga 1200;Commodore;1992;computer;0
amiga3000;Amiga 3000;Commodore;1990;computer;0
amiga4000;Amiga 4000;Commodore;1992;computer;0
amigacd32;Amiga CD32;Commodore;1993;console;0
amstradcpc;Amstrad CPC;Amstrad;1984;computer;0
apple2;Apple II;Apple;1977;computer;0
atari2600;Atari 2600;Atari;1977;console;0
atari5200;Atari 5200;Atari;1982;console;0
atari7800;Atari 7800;Atari;1986;console;0
atari800;Atari 800;Atari;1979;computer;0
atarifalcon;Atari Falcon030;Atari;1992;computer;0
atarijaguarcd;Atari Jaguar CD;Atari;1995;console;0
atarist;Atari ST;Atari;1985;computer;0
atarixe;Atari XE;Atari;1985;computer;0

Si vous avez des systèmes non standard dans votre es_systems.cfg il est impératif de les ajouter dans ce fichier, en respectant la syntaxe, avant d'exécuter le tri. Modifier le fichier, quitter, puis relancer le module de tri pour prise en compte des changements du fichier.

Video Encoder

Vous pouvez essayer ces autres paramètres pour FFmpeg :
-ac 1 -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -crf 35 -preset:v slow -y

Autre Paramétrage de l'utilisateur Fourch qui permet de garder la durée d'origine, 60 fps, et avoir une qualité équivalente aux vidéo normalisées, pour quasiment le même poids. Un peu plus de temps à encoder mais meilleure qualité :
-acodec libmp3lame -b:a 64k -ar 24000 -c:v libxvid -preset veryslow -crf 30 -vf “scale=-1:480,fps=60,pad=ceil(iw/2)*2:ceil(ih/2)*2” -y

Documentation FFmpeg. See : Compresser les vidéos pour économiser de l'espace de stockage

Image Encoder

Convertir Recalbox Overlays

Si vous avez déjà des overlays Recalbox mais que vous souhaitez les convertir afin de les utiliser sur Batocera. ARRM propose un convertisseur. Il parcourra votre dossier Overlays Recalbox, récupérera les informations de positionnement dans le fichier .cfg associé et recréera les fichiers .info compatibles Batocera. Les fichiers .png peuvent également être récupérés. (depuis la beta 1882)

Vous pouvez également indiquer le répertoire \\batocera\share\decorations\your_overlays_folders si vous y avez accès

Une fois la conversion terminée, vous pouvez accéder au répertoire Overlays converti Folder en cliquant sur .

N'oubliez pas de copier le contenu dans \\batocera\share\decorations\your_overlays_folders

Fichiers de paramètrage

A partir de la 1882 beta 22

Vous pouvez visualiser et modifier les fichiers de configuration de ARRM. En cliquant sur un fichier vous avez sa description. En cliquant sur vous ouvrez le fichier dans votre éditeur de texte par défaut.

Après avoir modifié des fichiers de configuration, il est nécessaire, pour éviter tout problème, de relancer ARRM.

Liste des fichiers de paramètrage

alternative_rom_tags.txt  :  List of alternative rom tags. Roms containing this tags can be ignored when creating M3U list.
arcadesystemname.txt  :  Association between the Screenscraper developer ID -> Arcade system name. Used to see if a Rom belongs to an Arcade system
arcadesystemname_long.txt  :  Association between the Screenscraper developer ID -> Arcade system long name. Used to retrieve wheels for systems on Screenscraper
arcade_systems_list.txt  :  name of systems recognized as ARCADE systems ( separated by ; )
arrm_launch.txt  :  When launching ARRM grab some information about your configuration. Used to debug.
attractmode_association.txt  :  Association between the name of the ARRM system and the name of the AttractMode system
batocera_arcade_core.txt  :  no longer used association rom arcade best core
boxback_filesize.txt  :  Size in octet of green boxback. (boxback without image on screenscraper)
country_transcode.txt  :  transcoding table between county code alpha-3 and country code_alpha-2
crc_no_calcul.txt  :  systems on which ARRM does not calculate crc / md5
daphne_systems_list.txt  :  name of systems recognized as DAPHNE systems ( separated by ; )
database_engine.txt  :  list of database engine ARRM will look at launch.
database_fields.txt  :  list of database field used in queries
database_fields_de.txt  :  list of database fields, in german, used in queries
database_fields_en.txt  :  list of database fields, in english, used in queries
database_fields_es.txt  :  list of database fields, in spanish, used in queries
database_fields_fr.txt  :  list of database fields, in french, used in queries
database_fields_it.txt  :  list of database fields, in italian, used in queries
database_fields_por.txt  :  list of database fields, in portuguese, used in queries
database_fields_ru.txt  :  list of database fields, in russian, used in queries
database_fields_query.txt  :  list of database fields use in queries
database_fields_query_replace.txt  :  list of database fields use in replace queries
emulator_core_batocera.txt  :  list of emulator and core for batocera
emulator_core_recalbox.txt  :  list of emulator and core for recalbox
favorite_systems.txt  :  list of favorites system you want to show in ARRM systems browser
folder_search_depth_per_system.txt  :  how deep to search roms files in folders (file mode)
gamelist_arrm_tags.txt  :  list of tags used by ARRM in gamelists
liste_systemes_moby_long_court.txt  :  list of associations between Mobygames platform name and Platform ID
media_order_cn.txt  :  media order when chinese language is selected for the ARRM interface
media_order_de.txt  :  media order when german language is selected for the ARRM interface
media_order_en.txt  :  media order when english language is selected for the ARRM interface
media_order_es.txt  :  media order when spanish language is selected for the ARRM interface
media_order_fr.txt  :  media order when french language is selected for the ARRM interface
media_order_it.txt  :  media order when italian language is selected for the ARRM interface
media_order_por.txt  :  media order when portuguese language is selected for the ARRM interface
media_order_ru.txt  :  media order when russian language is selected for the ARRM interface
multi_part.txt  :  List suffix searched in filename for multidisc used in duplicate searching (disc|disk|part|side|tape|track|128k|64k|48k|16k|module|level...)
multi_part_add_disk.txt  :  List suffix searched in filename for multidisc used in 'add disk' procedure (disc|disk|part|side|tape|track|128k|64k|48k|16k)
overlays_path.txt  :  overlays paths, used for creating overlays / bezels .cfg configuration files (recalbox / retropie)
parameter_files_description  :  This file. Don't modify this file.
pcdos_systems_list.txt  :  name of systems recognized as PC/DOS systems ( separated by ; )
provider_custom.txt  :  used to add custom tags in <provider> section of gamelist
query_sql.txt  :  list of queries made by the ARRM user in the 'Query' combobox from 'Filters' Tab.
query_sql2.txt  :  list of queries made by the ARRM user in the 'Query combobox' from 'Replace' Tab.
query_sql_global.txt  :  list of global queries made by the ARRM user in the 'Global filter' combobox.
query_sql_replace.txt  :  list of queries performed by ARRM user in the 'Input Mask' combobox from 'Replace' tab.
recalbox_arcade_core.txt  :  no longer used :  association rom arcade best core
scummvm_systems_list.txt  :  name of systems recognized as SCUMMVM systems ( separated by ; )
systemes_as_folder.txt  :  list of systems to be processed as folders (DOS, PC, Windows ...)
systemes_bezels_project.txt  :  association between ARRM systems and The Bezels Project systems (Themed)
systemes_bezels_projectSA.txt  :  association between ARRM systems and The Bezels Project systems (System Art)
systemes_extensions.txt  :  lists of extensions allowed by systems
systemes_gamesdatabase.txt  :  association between ARRM systems and GamesDatabase systems
systemes_gametdb.txt  :  association between ARRM systems and GameTDB systems
systemes_hfsdb.txt  :  association between ARRM systems and HFS-DB systems
systemes_hfs_original.txt  :  List of all systems known by HFS-DB. You can use it to help you tweaking the systemes_hfsdb.txt
systemes_igdb.txt  :  association between ARRM systems and IGDB systems
systemes_igdb_original.txt  :  List of all systems known by IGDB. You can use it to help you tweaking the systemes_igdb.txt
systemes_launchbox.txt  :  association between ARRM systems and Launchbox systems
systemes_mobygames.txt  :  association between ARRM systems and MOBYGAMES systems
systemes_screenscraper.txt  :  association between ARRM systems and Screenscraper systems
systemes_tgdb.txt  :  association between ARRM systems and TheGamesDatabase systems
systems_sorting.txt  :  used to sort es_systemes.cfg file
template_association NEXT PIXEL 1080.txt  :  association between ARRM systems and ARRM templates in automatic mode (Auto Template) Next Pixel 1080 theme. You have to copy it over template_association.txt if you want to use it.
template_association NEXT PIXEL 480.txt  :  association between ARRM systems and ARRM templates in automatic mode (Auto Template) Next Pixel 480 theme. You have to copy it over template_association.txt if you want to use it.
template_association NEXT PIXEL 720.txt  :  association between ARRM systems and ARRM templates in automatic mode (Auto Template) Next Pixel 720 theme. You have to copy it over template_association.txt if you want to use it.
template_association NEXT PIXEL CRT SMALL.txt  :  association between ARRM systems and ARRM templates in automatic mode (Auto Template) Next CRT Small theme. You have to copy it over template_association.txt if you want to use it.
template_association NEXT PIXEL CRT.txt  :  association between ARRM systems and ARRM templates in automatic mode (Auto Template) Next Pixel CRT theme. You have to copy it over template_association.txt if you want to use it.
template_association.txt  :  association between ARRM systems and ARRM templates in automatic mode (Auto Template)
template_association_video.txt  :  association between ARRM systems and ARRM video templates in automatic mode (Auto Template)
top_directory_only_list.txt  :  List of systems processed in folder mode on which files are only searched in the first directory (TopDirectoryOnly)