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Compose your own Mix image with Mix'Me

If you can't find the images when scraping, you can compose your own Mix image with MixMe from images you own.

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Edit/Add Images and Recreate Mix Image

You want to Add or Modify media for the selected ROM and recreate a Mix image

Here's how:

Drag with drag&drop or select the images corresponding to the different elements of the Mix then click on 'Save Compose → Mix'

Since ARRM 1901 beta 1 it is possible to drag and drop images from websites.

ARRM will recompose the image by applying the previously selected template.

It is possible to modify the Mix image directly (without going through a recompose).
In the Existing Mix panel, simply drag&drop or select the image corresponding to the desired existing Mix, then click on 'Save Custom Mix'

Edit/Add images and keep your existing Mix image

You want to Add or Modify media for the selected ROM and keep the already existing Mix image.

Here's how:

Drag and drop or select the images corresponding to the different Media elements of the ROM then of the Mix then click on 'Save images without Recompose'

Since ARRM 1901 beta 1 it is possible to drag and drop images from websites.