Check if your systems are declared in the scrape engine parameters files

In order to be able to scrape your systems correctly, it is imperative that ARRM can make the association between your system names and the platforms (systems) offered on the engines of scrape.

Your system names are those appearing in this module, which actually correspond to folders on your disk:

The association is done via the following files:

%appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\database\systemes_screenscraper.txt
%appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\database\systemes_hfsdb.txt
%appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\database\systemes_launchbox.txt
%appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\database\systemes_mobygames.txt
%appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\database\systemes_igdb.txt
%appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\database\systemes_gametdb.txt
%appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\database\systemes_tgdb.txt
%appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\database\systemes_gamesdatabase.txt
By default ARRM comes with preconfigured files for most system names. But it is possible that your system names (folders) have different names than those declared in these files. You will therefore need to modify these files by adding your systems.
Your system may already be present in the file but with another name, then you just need to duplicate the line for this system and simply change the system name
Example with Atari 2600 in the systemes_screenscraper.txt file :
atari2600|26 ← already present
add this line if your system is named a2600 :

Example :

You have a system named atari2600
This system corresponds to the platform 26 on the Screencraper scrape engine It is therefore necessary that in the file: %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\database\systemes_screenscraper.txt , atari2600 is associated with the platform 26 which gives:


The logic is the same for all other scrape engines.

On ARRM, if you scrape on Screenscraper, it is imperative that the system you are scraping is present and associated with the correct screenscraper system in the file %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\database\systemes_screenscraper.txt .
If this is not the case, the scrape will not launch.

ARRM offers a tool to verify that your systems are indeed present in these various files.
This tool is available in the Tools tab via the button Check if systems exist in the scrape engines systems list

Once processing is complete, the file %appdata%\Nexouille Soft\arrm\temp\missing_systems_in_scrapers_systems_list opens and lists the systems not present in the various configuration files.

Up to you to add them

Some scrape engines may not have all the systems you have. Example with the gametdb engine which only has 5 platforms available.

For screenscraper, it is imperative that your system is in the list otherwise the scrape cannot be done.

For more details you can read this wiki article: My system names are different or I want to add a system, how to scrape?